in the hospital getting ready to give birth

in the hospital getting ready to give birth

Does this seem like a familiar conversation? 

“Hey baby, what do you think is the best way to give birth?” 

“I can Google it, hold on…” 

And then your partner proceeds to go through the top searches they’ve found and read you the article that looks the most legitimate. 

Millennials are now the ones having babies, and that might mean some tension in the hospitals because we are the group that comes in armed with knowledge and extensive education. Not just from Googling, but from several different birthing classes and maybe even a doula or a midwife. 

We are much more aware and prepared than our moms and grandmas were, we like having control over what happens to our bodies during childbirth, and, overall, we want to have the safest pregnancy for babies and ourselves. But that doesn’t mean that the doctors (who could be from the generation prior) have adjusted to this new type of patient.

Aneesah, CEO and Co-Founder of Leche Love, talks about her experience as a millennial mom and how she was faced with the challenge of not only having a breech birth and having to be rushed off to have an emergency cesarean (c-section), but of also having to deal with doctors and nurses who weren’t willing to listen to her. 

At first, no one believed her that she was having a baby because it was “too fast” for the first baby, and her husband really had to fight to get someone to even check her. And when they finally did she was 10cm dilated and having the baby (which she had been trying to tell them the whole time! 

And when the doctor came in to check her and start delivering, he was upset by the squat bar and position Aneesah had chosen to give birth in. He simply claimed he couldn’t check her properly in this position. Luckily, her husband was able to fight that battle while she was busy giving birth. 

After she was rushed away and the emergency c-section was successful, she had to deal with some rather old-school nurses trying to help her breastfeed. Which was not an easy task either. 

Her story is one that I think will speak to a lot of millennials who have had a baby and experienced the clash of generations in the hospital, and even with clashes with our moms who just didn’t have the resources we have today. Or to millennials who are about to have a baby and would like some advice on how to go into it prepared.

So take a listen! 


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Some of her advice from the episode: 

  • Ask questions early/educate yourself
  • Have a plan but be ok with letting that go 
  • Have your tribe in the room with you to fight for the birth experience you want to have 
  • Be forgiving of yourself 

You can also find out more information about Leche Love - a product inspired by Aneesah’s journey breastfeeding - at the links below. Because the breastfeeding journey can be a challenging one as well, and a #latchpresent is a great way to honor what you have been able to accomplish in any way that you were able to do so.




We know you're a busy mom too, so if you don't have time to listen to the full episode, we're putting the highlights on our Alexa updates. So go and enable the skill to get your news from The Natural Nipple. 

August 04, 2019 — Megan Lozicki